Posted Sept. 01, 2020 Revised Oct. 06, 2020
Note: The Non-Reimbursable Experimental, Investigational and/or Unproven Services (EIU) Clinical Payment and Coding Policy effective Dec. 1, 2020 was updated to remove code 91117. This code may be considered medical necessity. Refer to revised Medical Policy MED201.017 Gastrointestinal Motility Measurement to be posted prior to Dec. 1.
We have updated the Clinical Payment and Coding Policies (CPCP) page to include an update to the Non-Reimbursable Experimental, Investigational and/or Unproven Services (EIU) CPCP effective 12/01/2020.
Refer to Clinical Payment and Coding Policies under Standards and Requirements on the provider website to review the current CPCPs. If you have any questions or if you need additional information, please contact your BCBSTX Network Management Representative.
Clinical payment and coding policies are based on using healthcare professionals and industry standard guidelines. The clinical payment and coding guidelines are not intended to provide billing or coding advice but to serve as a reference for facilities and providers.