Making It Easier to Access Chest CT Scans

April 20, 2020

Updated April 28, 2020

Updated Sept. 29, 2020

This accommodation will end on Dec. 31, 2020. Starting Jan. 1, 2021, our standard process will resume.

Due to COVID-19, we are temporarily simplifying access to chest computed tomography (CT). This will allow our members to get access to the care they need for the duration of the public health emergency.

What’s new

As of March 2, 2020, providers that request prior authorization through eviCore for chest CT scans with a COVID-19 diagnosis will receive an approval without the need for clinical documentation.

We are also temporarily waiving the need for members to notify us when they are scheduled to have a chest CT scan.

Impacted Members

This is for all our members with prior authorization delegated to eviCore. This includes all fully-insured, self-funded group, retail, Medicare Advantage and Medicaid members.


The prior authorization requests with CPT Codes 71250, 71260 or 71270 and the associated diagnosis codes for COVID-19 will be approved without clinical documentation.

CPT codes for chest CT scan

  • 71250
  • 71260
  • 71270

Associated diagnosis codes

  • U07.1 (COVID-19 acute respiratory disease)
  • 19Z03.818 (possible exposure to COVID-19)
  • Z20.828 (actual exposure to COVID-19)

More Information

Because this is a rapidly evolving situation, you should continue to watch for updates on our COVID-19 Preparedness page and COVID-19 Related News section.

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