Dec. 30, 2019
To help deliver the best health care for our members, it's important that there is coordination and sharing between behavioral health and medical providers. Our surveys consistently show providers appreciate this interaction. Consulting and referring providers should share information such as diagnoses, medications, treatment plans and recommendations.
We've provided a simple form to help providers request information from each other. Members should sign a release to allow you to share information with other providers before using this form.
Coordination of Care Form
This Coordination of Care Form is useful for both referring and consulting providers. To request patient visit information from a consulting provider, complete the Patient Information and Referring Provider sections before sending it to the consulting provider. The consulting provider can use the form to communicate information about the visit to the referring provider. Do not send this form to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. It is for your use with other providers only.
Need help finding a Behavioral Health Provider?
Call the number on the back of the member's ID card to find outpatient providers or behavioral health facilities. You can also search for providers with our online Provider Finder®.
Have a member with complex health needs?
Additional support and resources from a behavioral health or medical clinician are available. Call the number on the back of the member's ID card to refer members to Case Management and learn about other resources.