Aug. 26, 2019
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) has updated the following three Clinical Practice Guidelines:
- Asthma — Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) & Diagnosis Management and Prevention
- Metabolic Syndrome Guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines are adopted by BCBSTX and are the foundation for selected Condition Management Programs. These guidelines are based on established evidence-based standards of care, publicized by specialty societies and national clinical organizations. These guidelines are updated at least every two years and when new significant findings or major advancements in evidence-based practices and standards of care are established. These guidelines are current and have been reviewed and approved by the BCBSTX Clinical Quality Committee. If you have any questions about the guidelines or wish to provide feedback, this can be done by contacting the Quality Improvement Department at 1-800-863-9798 or by email at
The Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) are meant to serve as general guidelines and are not intended to substitute for clinical judgment in individual cases.
Refer to Clinical Payment and Coding Policies under Standards and Requirements on the provider website for the Clinical Payment and Coding Policies available.
If you have any questions or if you need additional information, please contact your BCBSTX Network Management Representative.