Navigating Provider Finder®

Feb. 15, 2019

The Provider Finder tool is available on the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) website and is used to locate participating BCBSTX providers. Provider Finder improves search results so that our members and providers can easily find in-network physicians, specialists and other health care providers.

It’s important for providers to review your own information and use Provider Finder to help direct BCBSTX members to other in-network providers. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate Provider Finder.

  1. Access the Provider Finder link from the website.
  2. Select the “Search All Providers” link in the “Are You Shopping? Find a Provider by Name or Location” section. (Please encourage members to choose “Search In-Network Providers.” This will lead them through a series of prompts to help focus results.)

    To check your own information for accuracy, enter your name and your location and select “Find a Doctor or Hospital” at the bottom of the page. Then in the search results, select your name to view your record, which will include the BCBSTX group and retail networks with which you are contracted.

    To search for other providers who are in-network for one of your patients, go back to the “Find a Doctor or Hospital” screen, then:
    • Enter a provider’s name and location in the “Search All Providers” link in the “Are You Shopping? Find a Provider by Name or Location” section. Then select “Find a Doctor or Hospital” at the bottom of the page.
    • Enter the location information then choose “More Search Options” to reveal other search options. Choose a provider type or a specialty from the dropdown box. Then select “Find a Doctor or Hospital” at the bottom of the page.

Note: If you are looking for an in-network provider for BCBSTX Medicare/Medicaid members, go back to the “Find a Doctor or Hospital” screen and choose the member’s Medicare or Medicaid network in the “Helpful Links” section at the bottom of the page.

Help us continue to help our members find you. If you find discrepancies when checking your own information on the Provider Finder, please submit a Demographic Change Form to make the necessary changes. Visit the Update Your Information page for help.