Updates have been made to Manage My Organization in Availity Essentials to improve security and ensure your organization’s provider information remains current. Add, edit, and/or delete provider data functions in Manage My Organization are now reserved to Availity Administrators and Administrator Assistants.
Providers who were originally added with relationship selection of “This is third-party not directly affiliated with my organization” will not be available in ‘Select a Provider’ drop-down lists in various Availity tools. Attestation needs to be completed for each provider that has this relationship selected to ensure users can efficiently conduct transactions in Availity.
Administrators can follow the steps below to quickly identify providers added to your Availity account’s Manage My Organization that details which are classified as part of your organization.
Administrator – Providers Report Criteria
- In Availity Essentials, from the Account dashboard select Manage My Organization
- Choose your Organization and click on the blue “Manage Provider” button
- Select Export Providers from the drop-down list
Next Steps
Exported file includes the Provider Type in Column A.
- If the value is Y, then the provider is associated with the Organization.
- If the value is empty or an N, then the provider has not been associated with the organization and Administrators need to attest that the provider is part of the organization by selecting the relationship as “This provider is part of my organization.”
For More Information
- Refer to the Manage My Organization page that includes an instructional user guide on our provider website.
- If you need customized assistance and/or training, contact our Provider Education Consultants.
Availity is a trademark of Availity, LLC, a separate company that operates a health information network to provide electronic information exchange services to medical professionals. Availity provides administrative services to BCBSTX. BCBSTX makes no endorsement, representations or warranties regarding third party vendors and the products and services they offer.