Colorectal Cancer Screenings Goal: 80% in Every Community – "Pulling It All Together"


The final article in a 4-part series regarding colorectal cancer (CRC) screenings.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in colorectal cancer screenings for our members. Please refer to the June 2023 Blue Review publication for first article titled, Colon Cancer Screenings Goal: 80% In Every Community1, our second article published in August titled Colorectal Cancer Screening Options and Statistics – Get the Conversation Started Today, and our third article published in October titled Overcoming Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screenings.

We need your help to reach this goal!

Even though some screening methods are not appropriate or feasible for all patients, having a conversation with your patients about the screening options available and encouraging colorectal cancer (CRC) screenings are most likely to result in your patients getting screened. Colorectal cancer screening is recommended for adults age 45 through 75 who are at average risk for colorectal cancer and who are asymptomatic. Some patients may need to be screened for colorectal cancer at an earlier age.  It is also important to be aware that some screening methods may not be covered, and an out-of-pocket cost may result.

What Actions Can You Take to Make a Difference?

Have the conversation with your patients to discuss CRC risks and the best screening method for them. You are the biggest influence whether your patients receive CRC screening or not.

Colorectal Cancer Screening options2:

  • Colonoscopy - Screening interval every 10 years.
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy - Screening interval every 5 years
  • CT colonography - Screening interval every 5 years.
  • Stool based tests - This type of screening includes:

o    FIT or immunologic Fecal Occult Blood Test (iFOBT). FIT tests may be one or two sample tests. Screening interval every year.

o    Guaiac based stool tests or gFOBT - Screening interval every year.

o    Stool DNA with FIT testing, also known as Cologuard® - Screening interval every 3 years.

The best test is the one that gets done!

Use a system within your practice to identify your patients ages 45-75 who need CRC screening and start that conversation.

How Far Away Are We from Reaching this Goal?

In 2022, the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) BCBSTX Commercial PPO result of 53.37 percent was well below the NCQA Quality Compass National PPO Average of 63.40 percent.

With your influence, we can raise the CRC screening rate, and meet the 80% colorectal cancer screening rate in every community goal.
