Provider Satisfaction Survey 2022


Building a strong network of providers and working with you to serve our members is important to us. To support this effort, we survey a random sample of providers each year. The Provider Satisfaction Survey measures your satisfaction with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas and identifies areas where we can improve.

How it works:

SPH Analytics (SPH) will administer this year’s survey between June and August. If selected to participate, SPH will contact you via email, mail or phone.

  • SPH will send out email survey invitations to selected providers with email addresses. These invitations will be followed by a printed survey.
  • The survey will also be available online at the web address provided on the mailed survey.
  • If no response from email or mail, SPH will reach out by phone.
  • The physician, nurse, office manager or other qualifying staff may complete the survey.

We look forward to your feedback.




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