Taking on Asthma

Asthma is a long-term health problem that affects hundreds of thousands of children in Texas. Kids with asthma have trouble breathing. They are likely to miss school, go to the emergency room and even end up in the hospital. In serious cases, they can die from an asthma attack. Even those whose asthma isn't severe may miss out on sports and other activities because of their condition.

While childhood asthma can be controlled, it can't be cured. The more you learn about asthma, the better you and your family can manage living with the disease, so that your child can make the most of each day.

Our Asthma Initiatives

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas is taking on childhood asthma in an aggressive way to help patients with asthma better manage their conditions and improve their quality of life.

Under our signature community investment program, the Healthy Kids, Healthy Families® initiative, we work with the American Lung Association in Texas to fight childhood asthma. Our "Enhancing Care for Children with Asthma" project delivers training and resources to health care clinics serving large numbers of kids with asthma.

Learn about our Enhancing Care for Children with Asthma project

Learning About Asthma

Managing childhood asthma takes a team approach. It takes a parent or concerned caregiver, medical professionals, a pharmacist and other important people in a child’s life to help give them the tools needed to manage asthma successfully.

Asthma is a chronic condition that must be controlled, and it can be managed with help and a good support team. The more you know about reducing the risk of attacks, avoiding triggers, and managing medications, the more likely your child will have an active life by day and better sleep at night.

Read about managing asthma in children.

Asthma Image 2 - Children at School





Last Updated: April 17, 2023